Men With Big Breast : An Awkward Condition

If you are a guy, and are attracted to most photos in this post, either you are swinging for the other team or you’re not so sure which bats you should be swinging. Much worse if the photos reminds you of a familiar view, the one that you see every morning when you look into the mirror.
These photos depicts male with an unflattering condition called gynecomastia.

What is Gynecomastia?

So which one is your breast size?
It is a condition that affects a number of males all over the world due to several causes. There are many causes of gynecomastia or manboobs and you can look at some of them in this list. Whether your symptom exists in the list or not, the facts remain, this is a very embarrassing situation. The breast size and shape are familiar to female breasts, in some chronic cases the breast size is bigger than their female counterpart. Just like the case of this unfortunate guy from China.

What are negative experiences of man with large male breasts?

During my research on this particular subject, I found many disheartening stories. If you are suffering from gynecomastia and could not afford a gynecomastia surgery, you might be able to relate with these situations.
  • Your wife or girlfriend left you because they couldn’t deal with the conditions and the teasing.
  • You are scared to have sex because you do not want your bed partner to laugh at your breasts.
  • You have sex with your shirt on.
  • You wear bandage around your chest while you have sex and claim you are healing from a battle injury in Iraq. (Hilarious but true story gathered from a forum comment.)
  • Your 3 months old baby tried to suck milk from your breast.
  • You are bullied and teased endlessly; including your own mother.
  • Someone gave you a bra for your birthday.
  • You skip the treadmill at the gym because your breast keeps on bouncing.
  • Other men are attracted to your breasts and you are straight.
  • You are gay and new acquaintances thought you are in the process of becoming a transgender.
  • Your breast is bigger than a transgender.
  • You can’t get a job because you are embarrass to go out.
  • You can’t go out.
  • Your dad sent you to a boot camp so you would lose weight. You came back with a heavily built body. In fact, you are eligible to join the Woman Heavyweight Championship and nobody would notice. (Okay, maybe I’m going overboard with that.)
  • You are strangely attracted to your own breast.

These are just some of the horror stories I picked up on the internet while I was researching on this topic. It makes me a bit paranoid in front of the mirror and I’m wondering whether my wife had been lying to me. But I do not suffer from gynecomastia and any extra bulge would be solve with extra bench press. To be honest, I just could not relate with guys with large breasts. I can write an article about it but the horror story is not mine to experience.

So what is the solution for Gynecomastia?

The easiest way is by surgery. You can go for gynecomastia surgey in UK, United State and in Canada. This surgery is provided in many countries including Australia. However, anywhere you go, the fact is the same. Gynecomastia surgery costs are high. In UK, the cost is from $5000 to $9000. Unless you have money to spare, than this is definitely not an option.

Is there a cheaper option to get rid of man boobs?

Gynexin is one of the options. It contains several excellence ingredients that targets abnormal breast size among males. This blog has many posts on Gynexin but I would suggest you to read this particular post HERE before you buy Gynexin.   It is available in many countries and you could easily buy them online. A doctor advice is good but if it still does not work, you should try out Gynexin before you started saving money to get your breast cut out.


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