You probably heard about man boobs before. Man boobs or ‘Moobs’ are often the butt of other people’s jokes but it is no joke - it is a very real condition. And it can be a very distressing and upsetting one at that. The medical term for this condition is Gynecomastia.
This is where the man has an abnormal amount of breast tissue that enlarges so that it ends up closely resembling a woman’s breasts. And literally anyone can suffer from it, even if you are not particularly over weight. It is believed that a third of the population suffer from Gynecomastia. In fact, I've read several severe cases of abnormal enlargement of male breast size. That is why I created this page in the first place.
It can affect confidence and self-esteem; cause no end of embarrassment, especially when wearing certain clothes. And you may even feel as though you are becoming feminine. There is gynecomastia surgery available. However, it could have other side effects and it is very expensive. The good news is there is a successful solution without having to resort to painful, risky surgery.
What is another option apart from male breast reduction surgery?
It is Gynexin Alpha Formula; a unique and totally natural propriety formula specially designed by leading doctors and scientists which is shown to reduce the fatty breast tissue (subcutaneous adipose) in the mammary glands. It is a far safer and convenient alternative to abolishing this embarrassing problem. It works by targeting the fatty cells (subcutaneous adipose tissue) in the mammary glands and helps to reduce their size and quantity, leaving you looking and feeling like a man again!
Gynexin Alpha Formula is a amazing supplement designed to treat Gynecomastia. It is the most effective pill to battle the symptoms of this very common but distressing condition. If waking up with a flatter chest has only been a dream to you and if you thought the only answer was to undergo dangerous surgery, think again; 99% of men lose their embarrassing ‘man boobs’ by using Gynexin and so could you.
Gynexin is an excellent alternative to dangerous and costly surgery, think of the risks involved, scarring, unsatisfactory results, something could even go wrong! If you do not want to spend your life hiding away wearing baggy jumpers, shying away from activities such as swimming for fear of ridicule once everyone sees your chest, then you need to try Gynexin. In as little as 6 weeks you could be back to your old self again minus the boobs.
Click Gynexin Official Online Store HERE To Get Your Gynexin Pills.
Gynexin Alpha Formula is a amazing supplement designed to treat Gynecomastia. It is the most effective pill to battle the symptoms of this very common but distressing condition. If waking up with a flatter chest has only been a dream to you and if you thought the only answer was to undergo dangerous surgery, think again; 99% of men lose their embarrassing ‘man boobs’ by using Gynexin and so could you.
Gynexin is an excellent alternative to dangerous and costly surgery, think of the risks involved, scarring, unsatisfactory results, something could even go wrong! If you do not want to spend your life hiding away wearing baggy jumpers, shying away from activities such as swimming for fear of ridicule once everyone sees your chest, then you need to try Gynexin. In as little as 6 weeks you could be back to your old self again minus the boobs.
Click Gynexin Official Online Store HERE To Get Your Gynexin Pills.
Is Gynexin Effective In Reducing Man Boobs?
Gynexin is a powerful potent yet natural concoction of ingredients that target the collection of excess fatty cells that accumulate in the mammary glands causing the appearance of feminine breasts. The unique formula gets to work straight away and results can be seen within the first two weeks.
It is clinically proven and tested by nutritionists, doctors and medical professionals that verify that it really works. With Gynexin you can achieve the chest you once had, firm, smooth, taut and most importantly, flat! Just take one capsule in the morning half an hour before breakfast and one in the evening before dinner, it is as straightforward as that. You will begin to notice a considerable difference in your torso and midsection as that becomes firmer, the fat is reduced and gradually your chest becomes flatter and firmer.
It is clinically proven and tested by nutritionists, doctors and medical professionals that verify that it really works. With Gynexin you can achieve the chest you once had, firm, smooth, taut and most importantly, flat! Just take one capsule in the morning half an hour before breakfast and one in the evening before dinner, it is as straightforward as that. You will begin to notice a considerable difference in your torso and midsection as that becomes firmer, the fat is reduced and gradually your chest becomes flatter and firmer.
Gynexin is available from the official website with an iron clad 60 day money back guarantee. With orders of 3 or more months you receive a bottle of Korexin.
Korexin is a powerful blend of essential fatty amino acids designed to be a natural fat loss aid. It works best when combined with Gynexin to retain lean muscle and suppress sugar cravings and also helps to reduce body fat.
It also bolsters your immune system and your resistance to infections and illness as well as the capacity to provide protection from cancer and heart disease. This all makes it an ideal accompaniment to Gynexin to ensure you lose the man boobs and stay healthy.
Korexin is a powerful blend of essential fatty amino acids designed to be a natural fat loss aid. It works best when combined with Gynexin to retain lean muscle and suppress sugar cravings and also helps to reduce body fat.
It also bolsters your immune system and your resistance to infections and illness as well as the capacity to provide protection from cancer and heart disease. This all makes it an ideal accompaniment to Gynexin to ensure you lose the man boobs and stay healthy.
There really is no easier, simpler, affordable and safe way to beat Gynecomastia. See what all the fuss is about and try Gynexin for yourself today and see exactly why now male breast reduction surgery is taking a back seat.
What is Inside Gynexin That Makes It Highly Effective?
It contains natural and pure ingredients so you can be certain you are taking a product that is free from any harmful pharmaceutical drugs that could possibly be detrimental to your health, while giving you the results you desire. And unlike some other manufacturers that are reluctant to tell you what is inside their products, Gynexin are proud to share the secret of their unique formula.
Here are some ingredients that consist in each Gynexin capsule and their benefits. I picked the info from the official site to help you out. :
- Chromium - Chromium Picolinate is chromium combined with Picolinic acid and is very easy for the body to absorb. It is a very powerful supplement that many of us do not get enough of in our daily diets, leading us to feel lethargic and tired and even more prone to weight gain. This is why athletes promote the use of Chromium Picolinate to help maintain their weight. Chromium is said to help to lower cholesterol levels and helps reduce insulin resistance in diabetics.
- Guggulsterones - Guggulsterones are taken from the Guggul tree (Commiphora Mukul) grown in the region of India. The sap from the Guggul tree has been used for centuries in alternative medicine to reat a wide range of ailments and tackles obesity. Research has shown that Guggulsterones help to regulate cholesterol levels keeping them in a steady and healthy range appropriate for what the human body needs. Guggulsterones help to turn the cholesterol into bile which assists the thyroid; this is what helps the liver to regulate the cholesterol. It possesses anti-inflammatory properties and has been shown that it may be of some use to osteoarthritis sufferers.
- Theobromine Cacao - Themobromine is a type of alkaloid called methylxanthines which can be found naturally occurring in 60 different varieties of plants.
- Green Tea Extract - Green tea is packed to the brim of health benefits. Green tea is so called and different to other teas because it is not fermented before drinking. It can help to fight free radicals, help to lower cholesterol, control blood sugar, provide us with essential anti-oxidants, help to reduce the incidence of cardio-vascular diseases and even prevent specific kinds of cancers such as colon cancer. Arthritis sufferers are said to have a significant improvement in their symptoms as a result of drinking Green tea regularly.
- Sclareolides - Sclareolides are derived from a biennial herb known as Salvia Sclarea. It is commonly used to help increase testosterone and decrease oestrogen. It helps to shrink fat cells so is found frequently in various slimming and skin-firming products.
How to take Gynexin?
It is recommended to take 2 capsules a day, before each meal. You must not take any more than 4 tablets over a 24 hour period. You should typically aim to drink 8oz of water. It can take time for any product to work and depends on the individual; however in 2-3 weeks the majority of people begin to see results.
Your torso will start to appear and feel firmer. Once your midsection fat seems to have reduced this is a sign that Gynexin is starting to get to work. After 3-6 weeks you will start to see a significant improvement, you can lower your dosage a day to maintain the great results.
Many users also mention that it is best to include daily exercise to get the best result. So if you are not exercising, you should find some time to include this healthy activity into your schedule.
Gynexin comes in an assortment of monthly supplies, although it is recommended you take Gynexin for at least 3 months, you will attain the very best results from taking Gynexin for the full 6 months.
Some users choose to continue using Gynexin to retain the results, however, results from Gynexin are permanent and you will not lose what you have gained even if you decide to stop taking Gynexin. You can take up to 4 capsules a day although no more than this, taking more does not guarantee or ensure quicker results. The dosage recommended by the manufacturers is more than adequate.
Your torso will start to appear and feel firmer. Once your midsection fat seems to have reduced this is a sign that Gynexin is starting to get to work. After 3-6 weeks you will start to see a significant improvement, you can lower your dosage a day to maintain the great results.
Many users also mention that it is best to include daily exercise to get the best result. So if you are not exercising, you should find some time to include this healthy activity into your schedule.
Gynexin comes in an assortment of monthly supplies, although it is recommended you take Gynexin for at least 3 months, you will attain the very best results from taking Gynexin for the full 6 months.
Some users choose to continue using Gynexin to retain the results, however, results from Gynexin are permanent and you will not lose what you have gained even if you decide to stop taking Gynexin. You can take up to 4 capsules a day although no more than this, taking more does not guarantee or ensure quicker results. The dosage recommended by the manufacturers is more than adequate.
Gynexin is generally safe for everyone over the age of 18 to use but you should make sure that if you are taking any prescription medication you consult a doctor beforehand. If you have any stomach conditions, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome or a thyroid or liver condition do not take Gynexin without checking with your doctor first. Gynexin may cause stomach irritation and increased heart rate, though this is not common, but if it happens to you discontinue use immediately.
So I suggest that you check out the official website and ask for more information from their customer support.
So I suggest that you check out the official website and ask for more information from their customer support.